Set in the energetic, crackling city of New York, this oddball romantic comedy - considered by many to be the perfect musical comedy - soars with the spirit of Broadway as it introduces us to a cast of vivid characters who have become legends in the canon: Sarah Brown, the upright but uptight "mission doll," out to reform the evildoers of Time Square; Sky Masterson, the slick, high-rolling gambler who woos her on a bet and ends up falling in love; Adelaide, the chronically ill nightclub performer whose condition is brought on by the fact she's been engaged to the same man for 14 years; and Nathan Detroit, her devoted fiance, desperate as always to find a spot for his infamous floating crap game. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical in 1950, this musical classic will delight theatre-goers of all ages with classic songs such as “I’ve Never Been in Love Before,” “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat,” and “Luck Be a Lady Tonight.”
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